Does ISO Compliance Register have more than legislation?

Do I need more than legislation in my ISO Compliance Register?

You will need to include legislation and also other obligations that your organisation has committed to meet – this means voluntary standards, local agreements and contractual requirements.

To help you, The ISO Compliance Register tool has more than just legislation. We include guidance, voluntary standards and Codes of Practice where they have been published and are available to organisations.

In some ISO Management Standards, these would be counted as ‘Other requirements’ in the phrase ‘Legislation and Other requirements’.

The tool will also allow you to add your own requirements which can then be managed in your Registers. 

What are 'other requirements' in ISO Standards?

‘Other requirements’ that we would recommend you add to your ISO Compliance Registers would include: 

  • Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs)
  • Industry Guidance (INDGs)
  • Contractual Agreements

In addition, you may add other similar items to show you have evidence that they are managed.  

You may even go as far as your internal company commitments to meets certain parts of Standards. 

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