Categories of Tasks in ISO Compliance Register

When you create a task, you can use a drop down menu to select whether the task will be a:
- Non-conformance
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Observations
Definitions of Task Categories
Typically, the following definitions can be used:
Non-conformance | Also referenced as a Non-conformity in ISO Management Standards. This is where a requirement has not been fulfilled. |
Opportunity for Improvement | An opportunity for Improvement is where: a) the requirements are being met, but there is a risk that they may not be fulfilled under certain conditions b) There may be a better way of doing things that could be explored |
Observations | Observations are where: A general point has been made and although the requirements are being met, there could be an alternative method or approach that can be taken. |
Please note; the selection of a task type has no bearing on how the item is managed within ISO Compliance Register. However, you will have your own criteria in your management system.
Therefore, you should be sure that your own management systems align with the ICR system (or vice versa), it may be useful to train your team so that use is consistent.
Requirements for Corrective Actions
Within ISO management standards that align to Annex SL (e.g. ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015), the requirements for Corrective Actions are laid out in Section 10.2 Non-conformity and Corrective Actions.
We strongly recommend that you align your processes to those requirements.
The Standards require that when a nonconformity occurs, that your organisation shall:
- You will need to react to the nonconformity, take action and manage any consequences that arise
- Ensure you identify the need for actions that will eliminate the root cause of the situation so that it does not recur in any way, shape or form (including elsewhere in the organisation).
The Standards set out specific tasks that should take place, including a review and analysis of the Root Cause. This analysis will ensure you can implement appropriate actions and make changes to your controls.
You will also need to ensure that you maintain documented evidence. We recommend that you use the Tasks to document changes and then ensure that Audit Snapshots are downloaded and saved.