How do I add details to my ISO Compliance Register?

You can personalise each Compliance Register that you have in your system. This is useful information for you to share with your team and ensure that everyone knows the scope and purpose of each Register.

Open the editing panel of your ISO Compliance Register

Open the ‘Manage Register’ by clicking the ‘Edit Register’ icon (the pencil in the top left corner)

You will see four columns in the table;

  • Title (Title of the Compliance Obligation in your Register)
  • Applicability (The Category of Applicability that you have assigned the item)
  • Compliant (The latest classification of compliance that you have assigned during an audit)
  • Actions (a set of three dots that open us a menu of options)


The actions that are available to you in the ‘Manage Register’ view are as follows (remember this is for each item):

  • Assign tasks
  • View tasks List
  • Edit the Requirement
  • Audit Requirement
  • Remove from Register

How to Edit Requirements

The ‘requirements’ panel is where you can put all the details of how your organisation manages each Compliance Obligation in your Register. 

If you have multiple Registers, you can put different details against the same Compliance Obligation in another Register (e.g. if you have waste at two sites, you may have a Register for each site. You can reference different controls for each site). 

See below for the information that you can enter against each Compliance Obligation. 

Clicking ‘Edit the Requirement’ opens up the details panel as follows:  

Section Title

Examples of Details that can be added

Can be edited


Title of the Article or Compliance Obligation



Summary of the Article



Category of Applicability

From Dropdown

Applicability Details

Details of how the article is applicable to your organisation



ISO Standards to which the Article applies



The Government or Organisation that set the legislation



The Department in your organisation to which the Article applies


Internal Controls

Summary details of the controls that are in your organisation


Responsible Person

Person in you organisation who Is responsible for the Compliance Obligation

Yes (from the User list)


Person who last reviewed the item


Updated At

Date and Time that the requirements were last edited


Please note: Normal users can only view this information by right-clicking the Register Icon in the Register view.

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