How do I add company details to Compliance Registers?
For each ISO Compliance Register that you have in your portfolio, you can add some details that will help you communicate the scope of it to your user community.
To add / edit Register Name and Definition

- Select the ‘Register’ section of the ISO Compliance Register System
- Click the pencil in the Register you want to edit (Editors only)

- Click on the ‘Register Details’ sub-section
- You will have the option to edit the ‘Register Name’
- You may add or edit further details on the Register.
The information you put in the Details section is accessible to all users when they open the Register in ‘View’
In the top left of each Register is a small interactive (i) icon, against which a popup of the Register details will appear (see example panel below).

To add / edit Sites to which the Register applies

- Select the ‘Sites’ section of the ISO Compliance Register System
- Click on the ‘Site Registers’ sub-section
- Click in the bar in the panel to see the full list of sites in the system. Click one or many of these to add the Sites to this Register.
Remember that Users allocated to these sites will then be able to see the Registers.