How do I set up an ISO Legal Register?
Create ISO Compliance Registers to suit your organisation

You can set up Compliance Registers in any configuration that you choose. Depending on your level of subscription, you can set up any number of Registers.
Examples of Registers that have been set up by Users include:
- A Central Register (1 register to include all Compliance Obligations)
- A Register for each Standard (e.g. 1 Register for ISO 14001 and another for ISO 45001)
- A Register for each Topic (e.g. 1 for Information Security, and another for Health and Safety)
- A Register for each Site (e.g. 1 register for each site, that contains information on all Standards or Topics)
- A Register for each Team or Department (e.g. 1 register for each Team or Department (or Function in your organisation), that contains information on all Standards or Topics.
Or you can choose any combination of the above!
Remember as well that you can choose which users have access to which Registers so you can ensure that you are providing the right people with the right information.
Creating ISO Compliance Registers
There are two ways that you can create a Register:
- Create a blank Register
- Create a pre-populated Register using a Template
Create a Blank ISO Compliance Register

To create a Register, simply click on the Register tab on the left-hand side to take you to the Register page. You can click ‘Add new Register’ to open up a new Register.
When you have clicked, simply enter a Name for the new Register. The Register will then be created and ready for you to add details and Compliance Obligations!
As you work through searches, you can add items directly from the search list or from within an Article.
Remember that you will need to go into Sites to allocate Sites to each register (see Sites section).
Create a pre-populated ISO Compliance Register

- To create a Compliance Register or solely ISO Legal Register using a template, follow these steps:
- Review the template Registers
- If the template looks like it works for you, simply click the ‘Create Register’ button at the bottom of the list and your Register will be created in the register template.
Note that with Register template, you can only create a Register using all of the template, but don’t worry, you can delete the items you don’t want later).
We have pre-populated templates for:
- Small and Medium Sized business ISO Compliance Registers (all ISO Standards)
- Large Organisation ISO Compliance Registers (all ISO Standards)
- Information Security ISO Compliance Registers (ISO 27001)
- Occupational Health and Safety ISO Compliance Registers (ISO 45001)
- Environmental Management ISO Compliance Registers (ISO 14001)
- Business Continuity ISO Compliance Registers (ISO 22301)
- Energy Management ISO Compliance Registers (ISO 50001)
- Carbon Management ISO Compliance Registers (PAS 2060)
How do I add Compliance Obligations to my Register?
See our section on adding Compliance Obligations
How do I tailor Compliance Information to our Organisation?
See our section on adding Details to your ISO Compliance Register